开车前去Luis的公寓,打开门屋子干净整齐,是一个两室一厅的公寓,李晗以为有室友和他一起住,便小心翼翼脱鞋,蹑手蹑脚的走路,Luis看到她这个样子觉得很搞笑,“Don039;t worry, just us here.“
“Oh yeh? How expe is for you to live here man!?“
“Nah, I bought this apartment couple years ago from some iments, and the other room is a gym actually~“
李晗打开健身房的门,“Wow!A lot of equipments, no wonder you have really big muscle ”
“Why you are so cute? And are you sure it039;s only big muscles??“
“Cheers! It looks really nice~
You are wee, that039;s my pleasure
Wow, tastes so juicy! OMG, so delicious! Also hmmmm what exactly you are doing?
Hmm my work is finance analyst
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